Welcome to FoxTROT's blogspot!

If you trail ride in Tennessee on a Missouri Fox Trotting (MFT) horse, then this site is for you! Whether you live in Tennessee or travel here to ride, we invite you to participate. Our desire is to provide an association that will enhance the enjoyment of trail riding the MFT. FoxTROT is an affiliate of the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association.


The rides listed below are scheduled organizational rides. Additional day and week-end rides are scheduled by Regional Reps and among members as time and opportunity allows.

National Trail Ride Schedule

(Pending approval by the MFTHBA Trail Committee)

FoxTROT Spring NTR
Big South Fork National River & Recreation Area
3-7 May 2017
Zenith Stables & Campground
Allardt, TN

FoxTROT Octoberfest @ East Fork
11-15 October 2017
East Fork Stables
Jamestown, TN
In addition to camping and stall fees, this ride requires purchase of the meal package which covers ALL MEALS starting with supper on Wednesday and ending with breakfast on Sunday - $165.00 per person. It's best to MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS VERY EARLY! Reservations require 25% deposit with balance pay out through the year. There's a 10% discount for pre-registration.

Someone of FoxTROT is riding nearly every week end and some week days. For info on regional day rides contact the following anytime for specific plans --

Big South Fork FoxTROT
Lea Valentine, 865-556-3485/931-879-0808, leavalfox@bellsouth.net
Rose Walter, 931-269-0580, rosewalter52@yahoo.com

Smoky Mountain/Eastern TN & Western NC FoxTROT
Lloyd Styles, 865-805-0620, lstyles1968@gmail.com
Debby Gerhardt, 423-237-8726, debbygerhardt@yahoo.com
Sam Gerhardt, 423-237-8724, smfoxtrotters@hotmail.com

2017 Clinics/Events of Interest

Southern Equine Expo
24-27 February 2017
Tennessee Miller Coliseum
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
FoxTROT will be representing the MFTHBA with a booth at this event! John Brandreth and The Kansas Kowboy D will provide the MFT breed demo!

MFTHBA Spring Show

3 Year Old Futurity
National Trail Ride
6-9 June 2017
Ava, Missouri

MFTHBA Show and Celebration
National Trail Ride
5-11 September 2017

Ava, Missouri

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Catching Up - Spring 2012

My how time flies!!  I haven't updated the blogspot since January!  Please forgive!  Anyone want to take this over?  Oh well, here goes!

Our 2012 FoxTROT membership is strong!  To date we have 43 members; 26 of those are also members of the MFTHBA.  Most of our members are from Tennessee, but we also have members from Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia.  We may have to rename ourselves the "Dixieland Chapter MFTHBA"!  We genuinely appreciate those who have been with FoxTROT from the beginning and look forward to getting to know each new member!

The Spring Gathering and National Trail Ride in the Smokies was a great success!  (See the photos below.)  All of the horses participating were Missouri Fox Trotters!  The FoxTROT "hard core riders" were all present!  Riders came from Tennessee, Ohio, North Carolina and Alabama!  The weather was perfect!  We rode the Tremont Loop, the Rich Mountain Loop, and the Turkey Pen Loop!  Of course, we had to support our favorite Townsend restaurants - The Carriage House for Grouper and The Barbecue Pit for Ribs!  The Webb family who own/run Orchard Cove are always excellent hosts!  After our evening meals, everyone enjoyed cutting up around the campfire and eating the home made deserts that were brought!  Before breaking camp and heading home on Sunday morning, those who attended Cowboy Church were challenged by a message, "Are you a REAL Cowboy?".  Trailers were hooked up to trucks, horses were loaded, stalls were cleaned and everyone headed home having had a wonderful time!

The Southeastern National Trail Ride is just a few weeks away!  This ride is being labeled "Southeastern" because, for the first time, all of the MFTHBA Affiliates from the Southeast are cosponsoring this NTR with FoxTROT - Arkansas Chapter MFTHBA, Florida Fox Trotter Association, Louisiana Chapter MFTHBA and NW Arkansas FTHBA.  This is also the first time for us to hold a ride out of Many Cedars Horse Camp.  Our Middle Tennesse members have been recommending Many Cedars to us for a couple of years.  The contact info for Many Cedars is posted above under the 2012 National Trail Rides heading.  An email letter has been sent out with more details.  If you did not get that email notice, but would like to have it, contact me at smfoxtrotters@hotmail.com.  We're expecting a good turn out and some wonderful riding!  Be sure to make your reservations right away, if you haven't already done so!

Before I close, please notice that the name and location of the Fall National Trail Ride has been changed!  It is now the "Region 8 MFTHBA National Trail Ride" and is being held at True West Campground and Stables, Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area, Jamestown, TN.  You'll find info for reservations under the 2012 National Trail Ride Schedule above.  More info will be coming after the Southeastern NTR at Many Cedars.

Happy Trails, Sam Gerhardt, President, FoxTROT

P.S.  If you do Facebook, be sure to search out our FoxTROT page and "Like" us!

1 comment:

  1. Hi – Will you please post a link to your Blog at The Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Community? Our members will love it.
    Members include: Owners, Breeders, Riders and Lovers.
    It's easy to do, just cut and paste the link and it automatically links back to your website… it’s a win win. You can also add Photos, Videos and Classifieds if you like. It’s free and easy.
    Email me if you need any help or would like me to do it for you.
    The Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Community: http://www.vorts.com/missouri_fox_trotting_horses/
    James Kaufman, Editor
