Welcome to FoxTROT's blogspot!

If you trail ride in Tennessee on a Missouri Fox Trotting (MFT) horse, then this site is for you! Whether you live in Tennessee or travel here to ride, we invite you to participate. Our desire is to provide an association that will enhance the enjoyment of trail riding the MFT. FoxTROT is an affiliate of the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association.


The rides listed below are scheduled organizational rides. Additional day and week-end rides are scheduled by Regional Reps and among members as time and opportunity allows.

National Trail Ride Schedule

(Pending approval by the MFTHBA Trail Committee)

FoxTROT Spring NTR
Big South Fork National River & Recreation Area
3-7 May 2017
Zenith Stables & Campground
Allardt, TN

FoxTROT Octoberfest @ East Fork
11-15 October 2017
East Fork Stables
Jamestown, TN
In addition to camping and stall fees, this ride requires purchase of the meal package which covers ALL MEALS starting with supper on Wednesday and ending with breakfast on Sunday - $165.00 per person. It's best to MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS VERY EARLY! Reservations require 25% deposit with balance pay out through the year. There's a 10% discount for pre-registration.

Someone of FoxTROT is riding nearly every week end and some week days. For info on regional day rides contact the following anytime for specific plans --

Big South Fork FoxTROT
Lea Valentine, 865-556-3485/931-879-0808, leavalfox@bellsouth.net
Rose Walter, 931-269-0580, rosewalter52@yahoo.com

Smoky Mountain/Eastern TN & Western NC FoxTROT
Lloyd Styles, 865-805-0620, lstyles1968@gmail.com
Debby Gerhardt, 423-237-8726, debbygerhardt@yahoo.com
Sam Gerhardt, 423-237-8724, smfoxtrotters@hotmail.com

2017 Clinics/Events of Interest

Southern Equine Expo
24-27 February 2017
Tennessee Miller Coliseum
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
FoxTROT will be representing the MFTHBA with a booth at this event! John Brandreth and The Kansas Kowboy D will provide the MFT breed demo!

MFTHBA Spring Show

3 Year Old Futurity
National Trail Ride
6-9 June 2017
Ava, Missouri

MFTHBA Show and Celebration
National Trail Ride
5-11 September 2017

Ava, Missouri

Monday, May 4, 2009

Hello All!

Well, we certainly enjoyed our first official ride/gathering. With all of the rain going on in Tennessee, we lucked out with very little of the wet stuff. Our Fox Trotters gave us safe and sure-footed rides. FoxTROT riders were: Sam & Debbie Gerhardt; Bo, Amanda, and son, Hunter Gerhardt; Michael & Sharon Lesner; Terry Messex; Karen S. Gagliano; Lea Valentine; Don Trollinger; Dennis & Beth Corn; Samm Riggin, James & Moira Funk; Heather Webb, Renee Nasrollahi, our new member-Irene Shivers, and guests, Ron & Laura Munn.

Sam led our group rides, and even one with the expertise help of his young grandson, Hunter. Before riding out on Saturday, we spent time in the covered arena for some Fox Trotter tips. Sharon and Michael gave valuable input on saddle fittings, and then demonstrated ground work with your FT; Karen demonstrated her progress with ground work; James demonstrated his equine massage therapy and chiropractic adjustment techniques, and then there was the discussion on Natural Barefoot Trimming. James and I ride our horses with this trim, and they sailed right along those rocky trails.

The hospitality of Freda, Ed, and Heather--owners of Orchard Cove Stables, coupled with the beauty of the Smokies and our great camaraderie just lead to a fantastic time. For those of you who could not make this trip, try for our next ride---you won't be disappointed! President Sam and wife Debbie had their campsite set up like the camping pros they are. It was a perfect gathering spot with the addition of extra awning, cooking stove, etc., etc.

Then we had extra "tips & things" on the trip:
  • Sharon and Michael taught us the importance of "Going Green" with shower conservation.
  • Sam impressed us with his calm manner while hauling a stock trailer with eight horses over a bridge with an inch (?) to spare on each side and err, limited brakes.
  • Terry, it was rumored by Dennis, was to have a P.J. party planned--not sure about that one.
  • Debbie forgot to pack the peanut butter sandwiches---maybe Sam was in the dog house?
  • Samm R. lost her new rain gear, but luck was with her when eagle-eye James spotted the coat.
  • Dennis and Beth shared their newly-wed rat story---don't ask.
So you can see we have a little bit of good fun for everyone. Come on out and join us for the next ride. If you need help with anything, you've got a bunch of friends that are willing to assist you; or at the least, offer you some valuable (?) advice. Believe me; you will leave with a smile.

Hope to see everyone at our July ride!


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